Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Time to start cooking

Summer is nearing the end and while everyone is buying school supplies and getting ready to head back to school I am perusing cookbooks and preparing lists of foods to buy and cook.

 Summer has been filled with crisp colorful veggies & fruit  eaten mostly raw.     Who can resist a bowl of carrots, radishes, cauliflower, celery, red pepper and yes even kale.    They're beautiful, light, cool and delicious

But with just the slight cooling in the weather my head instantly turns to warm soups & sauces.    What's a girl to do?  Why head to the library of course.  There is nothing to spark inspiration like new recipes.  I am a professed bookaholic, well it's actually worse  I'm a  cook bookaholic.   But I hate buying new cookbooks only to find that there are only a couple of recipes that I really like.   Enter the library I can completely review the book before deciding if I want to buy.   I have been saved from many mistakes by doing this. 

So what is on the reading list?

Vegan Indian Cooking by Anupy Singla.   I picked this up last night and within 5 min I found half a dozen recipes that I want to make now.    In fact I'm going back to the library to see if they have her first book.   The recipes are simple and make my mouth water to read them.   In addition she completely demystifies the spices, giving information on their health properties, uses and tastes giving you the confidence to try them in other foods.    Check out her blog for lots of great recipes and information  Indian As Apple Pie

Coming soon reviews on:

The Starch Solution
Bravo!: Health Promoting Meals from the True North Health Kitchen
Amazing Health Cookbook

Friday, March 9, 2012

Forks Over Knives

This life changing film will be show at Atholton Seventh Day Adventist church March 13th at 7pm. The Potomac Adventist Book Center will be on hand with books and videos and we'll have great tasting food samples for you to enjoy.

You can see the trailer here:

Everyone is welcome, please come and be inspired.