Thursday, July 1, 2010

P90X is for wimps

Just a little update on my personal group training. We're in week 3 and I've lost 5 lbs. This training has been just the thing to get my body out of it's rut.

I mentioned before there is an element of fun to each of the exercises. Also we haven't done the same workout twice.

Today we paired up, one person put a stretchy band around their hips and ran the length of the waterfront while their partner held them back. Try this with your kids.
Then we did the same thing backwards, then with weights.
Next get in plank position and start walking backwards kids would love this one too.

It's just fun. If anyone wants to learn more about the exercises and try them let me know and we can get a group together.

Tom and I did P90X last year and I felt good but it's nothing to this training.

I am so thankful to work for a company that promotes a healthy lifestyle. They understand how beneficial exercise is for stress relief , productivity as well as the monetary benefits for the company.

It's a huge contrast to my last company that offered first time cancer insurance. It was so difficult to sit in the open enrollment meetings while they talked about how wonderful this benefit was. "When you get cancer you immediately will receive a check for $1000 and you can do anything you want with it". HUH?

God is so good.

I've found some really great summer recipes and I'll start posting them for you.

Have a safe and blessed holiday.

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